Kindiki: How bandits turned govt. school into family home

The CS was addressing a senate committee on his ministry's efforts to deal with the scourge of banditry

• The leader of the interior ministry went on to detail how the bandits had sub-divided the school

Kithure Kindiki.
Image: The-Star

Speaking before the Senate Committee on National Cohesion at Baringo County Hall Mini Chambers, Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki gave a troubling account of how some bandits had turned a government school into a personal home.

The best-performing CS according to a recently released poll was responding to questions asked by the committee regarding the progress his ministry had made over incessant banditry in the troubled North Rift region.

“Even if we wanted to open some of the schools, the children would not have anywhere to go to because some of the schools have been completely burnt down by bandits.

The schools that have remained closed don't have any infrastructure. One of the schools was even taken over by the bandits,” he said.

That straight-talking politician went on to reveal the living arrangements made by these bold daredevils saying,

“The classrooms in the school became their home. Class 8 became the home of the head of the family, and class 7 the bedroom of the first wife.

They also turned class six into the bedroom of the second wife, class 5 was turned into the bedroom of the first born,” Kindiki told the stunned leaders.

His briefing comes at a time when the country has faced what seems to be a severe increase in banditry that has even prompted President William Ruto to call for a blanket ban on cattle herders carrying guns.

On Sunday, the head of state issued the order and told livestock keepers to use sticks to herd their livestock.

“No one will be allowed to walk around with a gun while herding. Let everyone use a stick, guns are for the police,” said Ruto.

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