Why Interior CS Kindiki wears combat uniform

He first wore the police combat gear on November 2022.


• He further clarified that him being in uniform meant that he was either actively in the locations or in operational planning.

• The CS first wore police combat gear on November 2022, as he led the charge against bandits.

Kithure Kindiki.

Since taking over at the Ministry of Interior, Cabinet Secretary  Kithure Kindiki has on several occasions donned military gear, drawing speculations from Kenyans.

Speaking in a night interview with NTV, Kindiki explained that he saw it necessary to wear the combat uniform when visiting the places listed as disturbed areas.

"It is for tactical and operational reasons and increasingly you will see that, depending on the mission and the location," he added.

He further clarified that him being in uniform meant that he was either actively in the locations or in operational planning.

The CS first wore police combat gear on November 2022, as he led the charge against bandits.

Kindiki was touring Wajir and Isiolo counties in full military uniform including the elite police tactical boots and vest.

The CS has scaled up operations aimed at ending banditry in the six counties declared as disturbed and dangerous.

They include Samburu, Laikipia, West Pokot, Elgeyo Marakwet and Baringo. The security operation, which is police-led, began on Friday, February 17.

It followed the lapse of a three-day amnesty period where those in possession of illegal arms were supposed to have surrendered them to the government.

Speaking on Monday, Kindiki said the government was committed to stopping the deaths in the North Rift area, beginning with the silencing of guns.

He added that they were determined to end the banditry plague in the "shortest time possible".

"We are in the North as the security apparatus of Kenya to stay. We are not coming back. We are here to stay. For good," he added.

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