This Is Why Monday Is A Very Important Day Of The Week!

Piece by: Mercy Gakii

Monday again! There are some of us who see this day as a complete let down to the rest of the week. How sad!

They complain asking why Monday was ever created! Sorry folks, I must burst your bubble now.

If there was a great day that came about, it is Monday! Yea, you heard me right! Monday is great!

Let me tell you why. Monday is the start of a whole six more days to make up a week! In those six more days, you will make the difference in the world.

You may sit exams and pass, you may pitch a business idea and win seed funding. Anything and everything about life!

In other words, without a great start to the week, you may just scrape through the rest of the days, wishing to see Friday and the weekend. Unfortunately, that is a totally upside down attitude to life.

Let me tell you why you need to embrace Monday. When you have a some impressive goals to achieve during the week, you will not need an alarm to wake you up. You will be raring to go and make a positive mark on your world!

One such brave goal should be to have a healthy meal. Especially a wholesome breakfast. See, when you have taken care of your temple, yaani your own body, then meeting other goals will be almost automatic.

Want to know why? Your mind and attitude will be focused on meeting every other target that you set your mind to. With a good breakfast, anything is possible!