Mmesoma hii? "Pastor" Dennis Okari's message about broken people will make you cry

Piece by: Caren Nyota

Dennis Okari is slowly winning the hearts of locals. The investigative journalist, who is known for his tremendous pieces, has become a motivational speaker, and soon he might be ordained as a pastor.

 Well, below is Dennis Okari's latest piece on brokenness, go through;


They were all caught in a very uncomfortable position.

No one had planned for this meeting and the last time they checked, He had departed alone to a deserted place. Suddenly, great numbers on foot started to surge through the towns to where He was. Among those who came to Him were the sick.

He was moved with compassion but they were moved with worry.

No one seemed to know what to do. This meeting was not on their schedule and therefore not in their control.

Sunset was falling fast and the remote, cold and windy place was soon going to turn into a night camp. That’s what they feared. Their prying eyes counted at least 5,000 men excluding women and children. There was no food, no water, and the people were exhausted and hungry.

They hatched a plan to send them away, He had a plan to keep them around.

Grudgingly, they approached Him with a proposition “Send the multitudes away, that they may go into the villages and buy themselves food.”

This was a difficult thing they were asking Him to do because His nature was not to send people away but to invite them in.

They saw a large number of people and failed to see a large God.

They saw a great need and Jesus saw a great provision.

They all looked at the same challenge and saw different solutions.

He said to them, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” – Matthew 14:16

The twelve wore bewildered looks on their faces as each hoped someone would say something intelligent. For a second they thought He was joking which He rarely did especially in the prevailing circumstances.

They quickly scanned the crowd and saw a young boy with a lunch box. In it were five loaves and two fish. This was just enough for five people but behind them were 5,000 hungry men all staring at the small lunch box with a ravenous desire writhing inside them to grab a bite.

Jesus stood ready for an exchange. He said, “Bring them here.” They brought to Him their limitation in the two fish and five loaves and He was prepared to release His abundance.

The crowd sat down on the dry prickly grass hungered to be filled.

Like watching a tense presentation, the crowd was still, Peter could hear the blade of grass bend as the disciples stood by watching the display of a miracle about to unfold.

Jesus took the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, He blessed and broke the loaves. Then He gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave to the people.

They all ate and were full, and the disciples picked up twelve baskets of broken pieces that were left over.

The miracle was not in the distribution but in the production.

The moment Jesus lifted the loaves and fish to heaven and gave thanks, He surrendered the notable limitation of the fish and bread and heaven responded by infusing a supernatural ability to multiply. But there was one more thing that Jesus needed to do. “He broke the loaves and the fish”. Matthew 14:19

To complete the supernatural circuit, something had to be broken.

In life, the same concept is replicated.

The sign that you are being set up to multiply and have abundance with leftovers is in brokenness.

The point of breaking the fish and loaves catalyzed the supernatural ability of God and set in motion the process of multiplication.

The miracle of multiplication is hidden in brokenness.

Water has to break before a child is born, the soil has to break to produce a crop, a seed has to break before it can bud, clouds have to break to give rain.

The broken alabaster gave perfume; the broken heart gives room for the oil of healing to permeate through the cracks.

Before you can curse brokenness, consider Jesus was broken for the world and for Him to win the billions in it, He had to be broken.

You are being broken for something grand and beyond the natural senses.

The distributive property of multiplication is in breaking down things into groups before the final answer in a separate addition stage.

The fish and loaves were broken to feed the hungry.

God is in the business of calling broken people and through them He will display His power to a hungry world.

You are not too broken to be fixed.

God will walk the universe to pick each tiny piece of you that was trampled upon and put your life together with the glue of grace and the nails of mercy. The paint job will be the blood of Jesus. You will glitter and bloom as each stage of your brokenness leads you closer and closer to a life of multiplication.

When you arise for distribution, the crowd will be seated on the grass waiting to be filled with the victories of your life.

The broken areas of your life are only feeding your destiny with a story that will bless and fill many people.

God will make broken look beautiful. That’s what He specializes in.

God’s mathematics table is only about multiplication.

He told man, “Be fruitful and multiply.”

He told Abram, “I will multiply your seed.”

He told Jeremiah, “I will multiply them and they will not be diminished”

Broken people are often rejected by men because the value of something broken is in its past form but God’s value in the broken is in its innate potential.

They ate until they were all filled and they took up twelve baskets full of broken pieces.

Your brokenness will affect generations. Nothing in your life is a waste. God’s plan is to sustain what He has started in you. The chain of distribution will not just end when those around you are full.

We all get broken and wounded at different stages in life and God allows us to go through all the chaos and turmoil because He is focused on one thing; Who we will become.

Jesus wasn’t worried about how the crowd was going to be fed. He wanted the opportunity to display His power. Give Him that opportunity today.

Being broken invites His power that props you, holds you, covers you, shields you and shows you off.

It’s time to multiply but first how about you get into the hands of Jesus."