Men, Take Note: 5 Types Of Women Who Make The Worst Girlfriends

Piece by: Uncle Chim Tuna

This past weekend, I had what can only be described as an interesting time with some new lasses I met who opened my eyes to certain truths I had grown blind to. Perhaps you to have grown complacent in your knowledge of some of the lessons I would like to share. Perhaps you are even unaware about what it is you do not know.

My weekend got me thinking about the 5 archetypes of lasses who I guarantee will give you hell should you date them. Some of you are familiar with these types having dated several yourself or perhaps because you stood by the sidelines sipping some coolade so you got to learn about these types of lasses without having to learn from experience.

Whatever the case may be, check them out then let me know what you think in the comment section:

#1. The social climber

We all know several. Their idea of climbing up the socio-economic ladder is either by sleeping with the right person -say someone from a well connected family, or by associating with the "right" types.

Growing up, I knew many. To most lasses, this is a shortcut to wherever it is they think they are headed rather than simply working hard.

The problem with this lass is that she is never settled. She is always looking out for an upgrade. Should someone better and make no mistake, there is always going to be someone better than you out there pop up, you are screwed.

#2. Ugly women with attitude

I have never understood this unnatural phenomenon! Ugly women, like poor men, should always be humble. Infact, as my father oft says, ugly women and poor men have no right to an opinion!

An ugly woman with an attitude is an abomination. And do not dare quote that low self esteem mantra about beauty being in the eyes of the beholder.

Why would any team sign up a pathetic player who has an equally terrible attitude? Dating her is charity and she want to act some type of way?

#3. Obsessive lasses

Why do men put themselves through this type of stress? If you can already tell that she is going to be a handful, then why would you willingly engage? What, you needed to fix some craziness deficiency in your life?

#5. Dishovelled/ Untidy women

Women are more often than not tidy and neat. Chalk down to genetics. Men on the other hand are for the most part untidy. That is the way I found the world and that is definitely the way I will leave it for my sons.

If the lass you're eyeing is messy, you are in for a bad time, I guarantee it! One test is usually to invite her over to your place (while there are dishes in the sink) and then step out to run an errand while she house sits. If the dishes are untouched when you get back, she isn't a keeper!

#6. Any lass with alot of male friends

If you are thinking about dating a lass with a lot of male friends, you are in for a very bad time. Because let's face it, most guys in the friendzone are scheming on how they can come out of it.

That means, you cannot rest on your laurels because there is always someone whispering in her ear about all the things you are doing wrong that he can do right.