Body odors that signal health issues


• People react to odors in different ways. A smell that one person thinks is pleasant may be unpleasant  to someone else.

Example of bad odor.
Image: X(twiiter)

Exposure to odors could result in health effects ranging from none to mild discomfort, to more serious symptoms.

Some chemicals with strong odors may cause eye, nose, throat, or lung irritation. Some strong odors may cause some people to feel a burning sensation, leading to wheezing, coughing, or breathing problems.

People who smell strong odors may get headaches or feel dizzy and nauseous if an odor lasts a long time or keeps occurring. It also affects mood, anxiety, and stress levels.

Bad breath mostly comes with some serious illness in the human body. Changes in breath indicate symptoms in several health conditions.

That is a sinus infection mainly a cold, and also gum disease. Bad breath in the morning is not categorically included in this health condition since it is normal.

The body usually puts in less saliva and spit. So your breath might also smell bad when you’re hungry or dehydrated.

Poop is naturally smelly since it contains bacteria and compounds. If it smells worse than usual it comes with an infection.

And also comes with diarrhea, belly cramps, and even nausea.  Certain bacteria and parasites can lead to stomach bugs.

Having a fruity breath can be a sign of having diabetes this symptom happens when the body is low on insulin or has a sugar peak.

Since the body can't get energy from an adequate source. It breaks down the fatty acids to compensate hence leaving a fruity smell on your breath.

A pee is normally a mixture of water and Leftover products in the kidney. A watery pee has little to no odor. If one smells ammonia it means he/ she needs to drink a lot of water.

You need to seek medical attention when the weird odor sticks around. It can be a sign of infection from UTI or even uncontrolled type 2 diabetes.

Body odors mostly occur in the groin, feet, armpits, genitals, pubic and other hair, the belly button, anus, and behind the ears.

When such happens to one it is advised to pay keen attention to body hygiene. if not not controllable then seek medical attention.

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