Alleged con lady in trouble as she is outsmarted by M-Pesa agent


•According to the video, the lady approached a Mpesa agent with her phone claiming that she had received a call from Safaricom customer care, instructing her to go to the nearest agent. 

A video of a young lady who tried to con an M-Pesa agent using a common trick getting caught red-handed and exposed by the alert agent has recently gone viral. 

The video which was initially posted on Facebook by a user named Derrick Mbugua shows the lady being interrogated by a small group of people who witnessed the failed scam. 

"Mpesa thief leo amepatikana, such a young lady she's just lucky mob justice did not react on her Safaricom niko pabaya nipigioe saa zingine, wueh" the caption read.

According to the video, the lady approached a Mpesa agent with her phone claiming that she had received a call from Safaricom customer care, instructing her to go to the nearest agent. 

The lady handed over her phone to the agent so that she could speak to the supposed customer care representative. 

However, the agent realized that the lady had saved the number as Safaricom's number to deceive the agent and make them believe that they were talking to an official.

The agent exposed the lady and called for help from the nearby people.

A small mob then gathered and started questioning the lady who refused to give her details. 

Amidst interrogations, the young lady's phone was taken and people forced her to speak out.

The lady then told the caller who had been saved in her phone as "Safaricom" to call back later as she was in a dangerous situation. 

The crowd further interrogated her - accusing the lady of being an agent of conmen. 

Despite the questions, the lady didn't barge which had the crowd demanding she reveal the truth before threatening to have her arrested

However, the lady seemed to prefer to be arrested than be humiliated publicly. 

"Take me to the police station instead of exposing me here," the young lady said. 


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