11 interesting facts about Govt. Pathologist Johansen Oduor

• The coroner has been in the news the past few months over his highly publicised autopsies on Rita Waeni and Kelvin Kiptum.

Government Pathologist Johansen Odour is a well-known figure, with a career spanning several decades and involvement in numerous high-profile cases.

One of the most notable cases he worked on was that of Rita Waeni, who was brutally murdered in an Airbnb in Roysambu, Kasarani area.

Describing the horrific attack, he declared it a case unlike any he had encountered in his career. Johansen shared insights into his life and career in pathology during an interview with NTV on the Masogora edition.

Here are some lesser-known facts about him:

  1. Literary Enthusiast: He has a love for novels, a habit cultivated from a young age. His reading interests include science, law, and various genres of novels, excluding romantic ones, although he admitted to having read some in the past.

  2. Nairobi Native: Born at Pumwani Maternity Hospital in Nairobi, he grew up in Mathare, Kibera, and Pangani Mlango Kubwa. He proudly mentioned, "Mimi nimekulia ghetto from primary, secondary to college."

  3. Career Choice: He chose his career due to challenges faced in Eastlands, expressing concerns about the shortage of doctors and inadequate healthcare.

  4. Family Expectations: His father initially wanted him to become a teacher, but he ultimately pursued a career in pathology despite the discrimination and fear associated with postmortem work.

  5. City Mortuary Experience: After graduation, he was posted to City Mortuary, where he initially felt scared and almost reconsidered due to the overwhelming smell.

  6. Government Pathologist Appointment: Upon his appointment as the Government Pathologist, he was initially skeptical about whether he could handle the responsibilities.

  7. Musical Autopsies: He plays a lot of music while conducting autopsies.

  8. Rap Skills: In his campus days, he was a rapper with the moniker Mr Bombastic. His favorite artists included Shaba Ranks and Shaggy.

  9. Movie Buff: He enjoys watching all the newest movie releases.

  10. Marriage: He got married during his internship, and when asked about what attracted him to his wife, he humourously suggested, "Pengine ye ndiye aliona kitu kwangu, it could be the other way round, hahaha, yeye ndiye alinitongoza." He prefers praising her at home, saying, "Nitamwambia nyumbani, hapa si patanisho."

  11. Family Man: He has three children, with his firstborn being 21 years old.

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