Crocs among items Moi University students banned from wearing

• The university put out a full list of clothing that they have forbidden their students from wearing on campus grounds.

Image: Bernard Hermant on Unsplash

Moi University administration is enforcing a strict dress code, according to rules issued by the institution.

Students will no longer be allowed in the vicinity of the school wearing crop tops, crocs, or plastic shoes, while men can no longer sag.

"I wish to bring to your attention Article 3.1.1. a, c, de, and e of the rules and regulations governing conduct and discipline of students," the statement began.

Here are the clothing items comrades can no longer wear:

- Crocs, slippers, and all plastic shoes.

-Mini skirts.

-Crop tops or tumbo-cuts.

-Body-hugging pants.

-Transparent blouses that show bra straps.

-Sleeveless tops.

-Ragged/ripped jeans.

-Sagging of pants within the school premises.

-T-shirts with obscene writings.

-Clothing that reveals the chest.

The changes were made official in a school memo dated 6 February.

"The students are expected to dress decently in modest and appropriate attire. However we have observed and noted with concern the indecent dressing by some of you," it added.

To make it more clear, the school administration has also instructed staff within school premises not to serve any student who defies the directive.

"All students should desist from inappropriate dressing while at the University as this may result in disciplinary action.

This is therefore to request all students to dress decently and staff are requested NOT to serve students who are dressed indecently," it concluded.

A lady wearing a miniskirt
Image: Very Petty Girl on Unsplash

The directive was signed by Dr Alice C Mutai, Acting Dean of Students. Those who do not conform to the new guidelines also risk disciplinary action.

In the memo issued by the Dean of Students at Moi University, students were sternly warned about the consequences of violating these dress code rules.

The university has vowed to take disciplinary action against those who fail to comply.

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