How using small plates will help you lose weight

Piece by: ZENNA ISSA

•Trying to get the best summer body without any exercise can be a bit challenging but it isn't impossible, try these simple ways to lose weight.

Peron whose lost weight
Peron whose lost weight

Weight loss is a journey that is normally hard to achieve. Getting to know what you need to do to lose weight can be tiresome at some point.

Since it's easier to gain weight when you are trying to lose it and lose weight when you are trying to gain people made a joke that said "Between losing and gaining weight it is normally the one you are trying to do that is the hardest."

Trying to get the best summer body without any exercise can be a bit challenging but it isn't impossible, the results may take longer but with a lot of consistency you'll pull through.

I know you are wondering how it is to lose weight without exercising but don't worry the wait is finally over just read below to know how you can easily weigh without straining any of your precious muscles.

1) Getting adequate sleep

A lack of sleep may disrupt the appetite-regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin. This will lead to one eating more to compensate for the time used for sleeping with eating hence gaining weight.

2) Avoiding stress

When you are stressed people tend to find relief from food. Stress eating will make you gain more weight easily.

3) Drinking plenty of water

Drinking water before meals will help you lose weight and eat less.  Drinking water before a meal reduces the amount of food consumed without affecting satiety.

4)  Eating foods rich in proteins

Proteins in general have powerful effects which can increase the feeling of fullness, reduce hunger and help one eat fewer calories.

5) Reducing the amount of wheat and sugar intake

Wheat will make you eat more since it easily makes one hungry and wants to eat a lot. Eating foods that have a lot of wheat and sugar will increase your body's calories. 

Reducing this will help you lose weight easily.

6) Eating without any distraction

This can be a bit difficult for people who enjoy movies cause they may have a habit of eating while using electronics.

As much as during meal time there are very interesting conversations and shows going on try and avoid eating while your eyes are screwed on an electronic device.

Eating while having divided attention will result in one eating too much and this will increase their weight.

7)  Using small plates instead of large plates

This may come as a joke but eating food on a small plate will make you lose weight easier than eating on a big plate since it will make you eat less amount of food hence no added weight.

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