Here are some health benefits of drinking yogurt


• Yogurt is a product from fermented milk

•  Plain yogurt is good, especially for the ladies.

Image: coutersy

Don't drink Yoghurt just because you crave it, drink it because it's beneficial to your body.

Yogurt is a dairy product that is produced from the fermentation of milk. 

Here are some benefits of drinking yogurt

1. Reduces risks of vaginal diseases

Plain yogurt is good, especially for the ladies.

It contains live cultures that are beneficial for they act as natural antibiotics in keeping our microbiome healthy.

This will help you escape from, yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and urinary infections.

2. Relieves ulcers.

Yorghut contains beneficial probiotics that recharge the natural microflora in the gastrointestinal tract and prevent the bad bacteria from forming ulcers.

The stomach lining can be kept healthy by the powerful antioxidants and omega 3, which reduce inflammation.

3. Promotes weight management

It has a high rate of proteins that makes you feel filled after drinking

For those who struggling with weight loss, this is just what you need for it improves your overall diet.

4. Improves digestion

Intake of yogurt keeps the bowel moving which improves the body's flora.

It kills harmful bacteria in the gut and makes our digestive system healthier.

It also fights against gastrointestinal infections hence leaving your system clean and healthy.

5. Regulates blood sugar

This is a piece of very good news for people who have diabetes.

Since it is unsweetened, it helps regulate blood sugar levels and keep them stable.

6. Helps in bone health

It contains calcium that is essential for strong and healthy bones and teeth

7. Improves the heart health

It contains beneficial nutrients like proteins and calcium that help in the reduction of cholesterol levels that boost the heart.

it also has probiotics that are good for toning the digestive system and promote healthy inflammation within the body hence preventing unwanted stress to the heart.

8. Can be used as skincare

It serves as a natural moisturizer and also works as an exfoliant.

It also has anti-bacterial characteristics that are great for reducing inflammation, acne, and skin irritation.

It acts as a barrier against further damage, making it ideal for sensitive and dry skin when directly applied.

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