Common tattoos and their meaning

  • Tattoos are mostly known for deco and beauty.
  • Most people do them for pleasure.

Tattoos have become a common thing in today's life.

Many people aren't afraid of getting them drawn unlike in the past.

They can be used to express some things that can't be explained, some are used as memories, and others are just used for beauty.

People have different ways to express what they want to, some choose tattoos in the form of drawings and others choose words, quotes, or Bible verses to explain the expression.

There are two kinds of drawing tattoos: words, Tattoos in the form of pictures and drawings.

Most of the tattoos in the form of words, sentences, and names are self-explanatory as for the pictures and drawings, it's hard to interpret their meaning.

They always have hidden meanings.

Here are some of the common tattoos you probably didn't know their meaning;

1. Semicolon.

In the English language, a semi-colon represents a sentence the author could have ended but chose not to.

As a tattoo the sentence represents your life and the author represents you.

This means that there was a point in life when you thought that it was over but you chose to rise up again.

Most of the people who draw this symbol are suicidal survivors, who have lost loved ones, cured of depression, or someone who has suffered from anxiety.

2. Sunflower.

These are not just plants that are used to make oil or used just for house decorations.

They are known as the happy flowers.

Sunflowers are also a sign of positivity, ambition, and happiness.

This shows that the person with the tattoo remains positive no matter how hard things are.

3. Semicolon combined with a series of flying doves.

Doves are known as a sign of peace.

This tattoo acts as a symbol of hope, that through dark days there is always a brighter day ahead.

4. Butterflies.

Butterflies are considered pretty and seasonal, and people mostly draw them because they seem pretty and cool.

They are also known to transform from caterpillars.

The same also applies to their tattoos it means transformation from something hard.

Many of those who draw them have overcome self-harming.

5. Infinity.

Like the name itself, it means eternity.

This tattoo is mostly drawn in pairs, meaning that is a bond that is never ending or that will last forever.

6. Medusa.

A picture of Medusa just makes you feel like it represents evil.

Medusa represents something evil that has been done to the person having the tattoo.

This is for people who have gone through sexual abuse.

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