Chef Ursula shares best and worst tippers among Kenyan politicians

• Bhakita says some days  were good as she would get tipped a lot.

• She says one should be talkative but not flirty when dealing with clients.

Chef Bhakita Ursula
Image: Instagram

Ever wondered what it takes to be a President's chef?

Chef Bhakita Ursula knows this all too well as she has served former President Uhuru Kenyatta and Uhuru Kenyatta.

In an interview with the 'Iko Nini ' Podcast, she shared how this journey started

" Becoming a chef was my dad's doing.

Back in school I wanted to be a nurse but swapped but I was not performing well in Biology.

I switched courses and decided to do journalism, I was good in English and French.

I went to Kenya School of Mass Communication, but when I was told to do a bridging course in Swahili, I chose not to continue."

Did you always love cooking?

"My first 11 years I was brought up by my grandma. I started cooking around age 5."

Bhakita went on to share her experience serving politicians during her attachment

"I was in the industry for 8 years. I did my attachment in Parliament.

They have a hotel there. The late Orwa Ojode was very strict.

If you interact with them (politicians) they are so soft.

I was there when Kibaki was President. "

Bhakita says some politicians were good tippers, while some were not.

"Naomi Shaban made my life very hard, Swahili's do not mince words.

I had to pretend to be OK with it. Ex-President Uhuru Kenyatta never tipped but he was a good guy.

The late Nkaissery loved salads. There are so many legal ways to get cash in Parliament. Sonko was very good he would give us tips. He was very humble back then."

She added

"I once served Richie Spice without knowing who he was."

She also revealed that when working in five-star hotels it is possible to make double or triple what you earn.

"Five stars pay very well. There is a day I went home with tips of ksh 65,000 in a single day."

Bhakita says she was fired from Radisson Blu, she has never overcome the loss

" I have been fired from a few places before but being fired from Radisson Blu is something I have never overcome.

I was fired because of Utiaji tu, if you are working well people assume you will get a job promotion.

Off all those the one that got to my heart is being fired from Radisson. 

I took nine months before I went and cleared."



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