Female employees of Tigoni company forced to undress over sanitary item

The issue started after a sanitary pad was found misplaced

Piece by: Maureen Waruinge

• Mp Gloria Orwaba was forced to intervene after employees were stripped down.

man buys pads for his female guests
man buys pads for his female guests

A misplaced sanitary pad led to female employees being strip searched and details of the incident have caused an online uproar.

The pad according to the Quality Assurance manager of the company was not placed in the correct bin, resulting in a strip search to find out the culprit.

Mp Gloria Orwaba on her Twitter account informed netizens that she was forced to intervene when she got a distress call over the situation in a Tigoni company where employees protested mistreatment over the used sanitary pad.

Senator Gloria Orwoba, who initially brought attention to the incident, received a distress call about the matter on Monday night.

She shared details of the incident on her social media platforms, stating,

"Apparently the Quality and Assurance manager had found used sanitary wear towel in one of the bins and from what I gather that dustbin was not meant for Sanitary the disposal of sanitary wear. So it caused a stir and the manager allegedly went out and called and gathered all the women from that particular team and literally asked them to undress so that she could check which one because from what I get she asked the one who threw the sanitary pad there, she couldn't get an answer so apparently she needed to find out who was on their period, so she could punish the person."

Gloria added, "I actually received the distress call yesterday, last night so in the morning I made phone all to the company and I spoke to one of the managers and I said hey listen this has come to my attention and apparently the ladies were stripped down because coz the quality assurance manager was trying to find out which person had their period so that they could punish them for disposing of the pads there," she continued to narrate.

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