Why that plate of greens could save your life

Low in calories, yet high in fiber, and vitamins greens are incredible for your health

• Whether in whole food form, smoothies, or organic powders,they have the power  make you look and feel younger

• The chlorophyll in leafy greens  helps cleanse your liver to support your body’s natural ability to detox

Benefits of eating leafy green vegetables
Image: Courtesy

Most of us have a strong dislike of greens, especially anything that isn't spinach or Sukuma wiki probably because you grew up in a household where they'd be cooked day in and out, and you would refuse to eat them.

Well, I'm here to let you on a little secret, those leafy greens you despise are the undeniable superstars of the food world.

Low in calories, yet high in fiber, and vitamins, greens are incredibly good for your health in many ways than you would even suspect.

Whether in whole food form, smoothies, or organic powders, they have the power to not only make you look and feel younger but also support healthy aging!

They also protect your body from bad bacteria while the fiber in greens feeds your good bacteria, making leafy greens an all-around great choice for anyone dealing with gastrointestinal distress of any kind.

The chlorophyll in leafy greens helps cleanse your liver to support your body’s natural ability to detox and supports the immune function to keep toxins from collecting in your body in the first place!

Raw, leafy greens are one of the best foods you can eat to support your body’s natural ability to produce digestive enzymes.

One of the most promising benefits of greens may be their ability to support your immune system. 

Plus, the magnesium found in green leafy vegetables can help support optimal vascular health.

Your daily greens provide disease-fighting, anti-aging, and immune-boosting benefits!

Leafy greens contain antioxidants and polyphenols, the disease-fighting compounds found in plant foods.

Eating a serving of leafy greens with every meal can support appropriate blood glucose levels.

With all that said, take up the challenge and incorporate leafy greens into at least one meal a day starting today, your body will thank you later!

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