My son saved me from depression-Shaniqwa

• Shaniqwa is a father of one, a son who turns 3 in February.

Shaniqwa with his son Kangi
Image: Instagram

Kenyan comedian and YouTuber Shaniqwa has opened up on how his almost three-year-old son saved him from depression.

This was after the comedian and his baby mama parted ways in 2020. Speaking during an interview with Massawe Japanni, Shaniqwa said that he almost gave up on life.

"My now ex had left with our son but she later brought him back. The first time taking care of him was hard.  Before my son came into my life I was living a very miserable life. I was almost going into a deep depression. I used to drink without eating, I could not shave my hair.'

Asked where he would get money to drink yet he was not working, he said,

'People would buy me drinks even when I had money on me. Unaweza kosa pesa ya food but huwezi kosa kununuliwa pombe.

My baby mama brought the baby and said she was going for an interview, she never came back after that. She would give excuses until one time she told me I was the one going to stay with the baby.

I was worried that the baby atateseka but when you come to terms with your reality it becomes easier.'

Shaniqwa says one of the ways the baby has been a blessing to him is that he has started getting jobs. (Maybe it is true mtoto hukuja na sahani take)

'I started getting gigs, I started being responsible, I got a very big deal that changed my life. I have moved on, I have forgiven her. She is still my baby mama.'

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