Challenges cab drivers go through in the line of duty

• Kamene narrated how one of her drunk male friends sat on the passenger's seat in a taxi and at some point was touching the driver's beards.

Image: Photos for Class

Jalang'o has narrated how a friend of his found himself in trouble after he blacked out in a cab.

The pal had to pay thrice the amount he would have paid if he had not blacked out.

Sharing the story with his co-host Kamene Goro, Jalas shared

Narrating how a friend of his once found himself in trouble with a taxi driver, Jalang'o said; 

"I had a pal ameingia kwa taxi amevuta shtundu amelewa na akableki aliingia kama amesema tu 'lang'ata'

The taxi driver had to park at a petrol station alale aamke and he had to be charged for wasting time, for sleeping and for the services, he parted with Sh8,000.

Kamene narrated how one of her drunk male friends sat on the passenger's seat in a taxi and at some point was touching the driver's beards making him uncomfortable the entire trip.

To the broke ladies who usually want to pay for the services with their bodies, Jalas had an interesting piece of advice.

Sema tu mapema "enyewe kama naenda rongai na sina pesa but naweza kupea mavitu"

A pal of mine who is a taxi driver narrated how he once carried some young girls only for them to start kissing and romancing in his car.

He was forced to drop them like a hot potato as he couldn't stand their behaviour.

If you are a taxi driver what is the most challenging thing you have witnessed.

As a passenger what's the most embarrassing thing you have ever done inside a cab?