'I lost my faith in God after my miscarriage,' shares RHoK actress Njambi

• "My baby had already started getting formed so when I gave birth to him I was asked to hold her. I was told maybe my warmth might bring her back to life," Njambi.

Njambi of RHoK
Image: Instagram

In 2018 Real House helps of Kwangware actress Njambi lost her baby after suffering a miscarriage.

In a candid interview with Picha clear films, Njambi says she was expectant with a baby girl before everything changed.

"The miscarriage affected me emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically.

There is no better loss whether it's a stillbirth or a miscarriage the pain is the same.

I miscarried at 5 months.

 We had gone somewhere with my friends when we were in the matatu I was feeling sickly.

I felt like puking, sweating among other things.

I told my friends that I needed to go to a washroom only to see myself bleeding. "

Njambi's friends looked for a hospital and luckily they found a public one.

"Before you get treated you have to go through a blood test so I went through one.

I was then directed to a room where they told me that I was going into labor and that I needed to push.

The pain of a miscarriage and that of labor is the same, so I don't understand why people say one is better."

Njambi added,

"My baby had already started getting formed so when I gave birth to him I was asked to hold her.

I was told maybe my warmth might bring her back to life.

I was however pessimistic as I had seen her cough then go silent. I was given a leso to wrap her.

 The medics then asked if I would bury her or I should let them bury them."

Njambi says although she had gone through loss seeing other women overcome by grief broke her.

"I was then taken to a ward where mothers who had lost their babies were.

The saddest part was a lady who had lost her child became mentally unstable.

She could not even go to the washroom, luckily the mum was there to help her.

After leaving the hospital I found out they had left a placenta in my body.

I was in so much pain, so we went back to the hospital so I had to be 'cleaned.'  The miscarriage broke my friendships and relationships.

I did not know who to talk to, I dealt with it alone and it affected my relationship with my baby daddy.

The loss broke us as he also did not know how to grieve.

During that period I lost my spirituality and my faith in God, I had no job.

In 2019 I was blessed with a baby boy." Said Njambi

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