'I received so much hate and gossip from the church,' Makena Njeri says as she comes out as gay

Piece by: Peninah Njoki

Ex-BBC reporter Makena Njeri has shared how she was treated with so much hate and stares in the church due to her choice of fashion.

Njeri who recently came out as gay said it hurt her so much as the church was one place where she was supposed to be treated with love.

Speaking during TedX Talks, Njeri shared,

Having been brought up in a Christian family and being a believer, when I came to the city I looked for a church I could go and worship.

Every single Sunday I walked in church, a  place where the universal language should be love and where we are taught to love our neighbors more than ourselves.

The very place that I received hate, gossip, stares, it was such a painful experience for me and I chose to worship in solitude and that still works for me to date.'


I remember in July 2018. 1000 messages and over 5oo missed calls and my blood went cold. I knew something was wrong.

This was the time when she was trolled online when a photo of her pristine white Mercedes Benz was vandalized by an ex-lover who branded her "Makena Cheater". The story went viral.

I did not know I was trending. The whole experience was so bad for me that I had depression for three months.

This experience made some friends and family became  strangers.

These experiences have made me live a bold, un apologetic, happy and truthful life.