Tahidi High actor Omosh has said that at one point in his life, he had given up on acting.
This was because a play he had acted in was disqualified over political tension.
This was despite the fact that the play was greatly loved.
Speaking during an interview with YouTuber Monica Kagoni on the segment 'Metha ya Kagoni (Kagoni's table)' Omosh said,
'In high school, we were acting a play 'The release of Nelson Mandela.'
At the time I had heard that South Africa and Kenyan governments were not in good terms so the play was disqualified.
It could not go to National levels because of the political tension between the two countries.
I gave up and gave up on acting especially after the disqualification, I lost hope.'
Long after that, Omosh's passion for acting was rekindled.
'My sister was working with KBC and she suggested I go back to acting.
Recordings were on Monday so I went to the studios and saw how they were acting.
My love for radio started coming back and I started getting roles.'
'I heard about Tahidi High auditions and I decided to go try my luck.
I think it's by God's grace that I was given the role, It started by me being given one line on the show, then, two lines, after that I became a main character.
Acting has opened so many doors for me, favors, celebrity status, financial break through.'
Omosh added that it's not all rosy as people might assume you have money.
'There are times people will greet you with respects because you are a celebrity but in your pockets you do not have even a single cent.'
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