Mumeshindwa na wezi town? Angry fans of arrested artistes shout at county government

Piece by: Grace Kerongo

Two of Kenya's top artistes were arrested on Sunday night and bundled into a police van by NEMA. Their mistake was performing at an event hosted at Marquee Sky Bar & Lounge, in Westlands.

Drummer Amani Baya and guitarist Jack Muguna spent Sunday night at Central Police Station.

Nairobi Horns Project trumpeter, MacKinlay Mutsembi said, "They were sitting on a band stand when NEMA raided our gig for trumped up noise pollution charges. No music was playing. I'm out because I had just put my horn down. Equipment, my horns, their guitars, sound, was all confiscated. I'm still trying to get them released. It's so hard making an honest living in this town sometimes..."

MacKinlay Mutsembi added, "They say even cash bail can't release them after 6pm. Anyways I'm here squabbling with them. Let's see how it goes."

Manudibash Ashene: Seems liƙe another Cash Cow n NTSA in the maƙing

George Sabwa: NEMA cannot arrest anyone without a notice n I think every club that plays loud music get a certificate from them why arrest an artist

Jilna Collis: This is sad to hear how hard working people are let down by so called authorities... just wrong...the whole system!

Gabriel Kahindo Mboka: The county government imeshindwa kudeal na the mobsters in town now they musicians this has got to stop!!

Mobutu Sese: Very very sad indeed.. wameshindwa kudeal na crime wanatafta innocent people?

Simiyu Kenci: Hapa Kuna maswali mob relax tujue situation we are planning