Vitimbi Actress Nyasuguta Reveals Why She Bleached

Piece by: Kwarula Otieno

Vitimbi actress Eunice Wambui popularly known as Nyasuguta finally admitted that she bleached and also why she did it.

In an interview with Citizen Television’s Lulu Hassan and Kanze Dena Friday night, Nyasuguta revealed that she bleached her body after she was involved in an accident that left her with dents on her face.

Below is a transcript for the interview by Citizen TV.

“I know most people who watched me acting in Vitimbi back then see the difference between the then and current Nyasuguta – it’s because I bleached,” she intimated.

Wait a bit. How did it happen?

“I was involved in an accident in 2013. I got dented on the face. The dent was lighter than other parts of my face, consequently making me look like a person who has two facial complexions in one,” narrated the film beauty.

“I saw it wise to bleach so that my face gets an even skin tone. Actually it is my mum who encouraged me,” she added, before posing: “Imagine a celebrity walking in the streets of Nairobi with dents all over her face; what will people think of her?”

Nyasuguta says she is not sure if given the chance, she’d want to get her ‘darker’ version back.

“At that time I was very desperate,” told Eunice.

She wasn’t confident she’d play ‘Nyasuguta’ role well

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