'My lesbian girlfriend dumped me to wed a man,' Cries city woman

Piece by: Peninah Njoki

A Kenyan woman has experienced first hand what it feels like to be betrayed by your loved one after her lesbian lover dumped her and got married to a man.

*Lilian* says that when she met Pam it was love at first sight.

I met Pamela, one sweet girl who liked to tease me about my height.

We ended up in the same hall but in different rooms. She became my friend and my getaway.

She listened to me without judging eyes when I told her about my struggles.

She only said; “I’ve been there before. I didn’t fight it, I let it all be because what will be will be.”

Before long things between Pam and Lilian heated up and they became a couple.

One thing led to a kiss. A fondle. Later, a question; “Would you be my girlfriend?” She answered; “You are already my girlfriend.” Felt awkward but I felt free. For the first time in my life, I found love that actually felt like love, and right. The only problem we had was trying to hide it from people. We had to learn not to make it obvious when people were around.

Like any relationship they had to fight men who were constantly making advances at them, after all, they are beautiful girls.

That aside, we had to fight with guys who came around seeking to make either me or Pam their girlfriend. It was an uphill battle but we proved equally strong.

Rumors swirled around us but we fought not to give too much away. 

The couple cleared campus and joined the world as they tried to make their dreams of getting married and travelling the world come true.

They wanted to travel to a country where they would be allowed to love freely.

Before long Pam met a man at her work place and they became instant friends.

at first, it looked like the usual man chasing a woman and a woman saying no sort of thing.

You know, Pamela’s problem had always been her unusual beauty.

Men can’t take their eyes off her. Every day there was a man trying to woo her.

Lilian adds that soon after Pam would constantly praise the man and before long cracks in their relationship became visible.

 She spoke about him fondly and went into details describing how caring and relentless that man was.

I knew immediately the foundations of what held our relationship had been shaken.

I asked her; “Does he look like someone you’ll love to be with?” She answered; “Oh nooo. He’s different. That’s all I’m saying.”

Lilian adds,

I knew Pamela. She could lie with words but her actions gave away too much.

The change in her was obvious; she was hardly calling.

She started giving excuses for not meeting me.

She continued,

She stopped talking about our dreams. Then one day she said what I dreaded to hear; “I think I like this one. I mean he’s different. You’ll like him if you allow yourself to know him better.”

I said nothing but I knew I’ve lost the Pamela I once knew.

Despite having dated for years Pam moved on with the man.

One day she said goodbye to everything we were and said yes to that man. It broke my heart.

I got drunk for the first time that day and somehow wished to die than go through the pain of seeing the woman I loved go.

When I saw their pre-wedding photos, a piece of me died.

I knew Pamela was beautiful but the Pamela I saw in the photos was indescribable.

They say that the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left unsaid so Lilian decided to meet Pamela just one more time before the wedding.

A week before their wedding I went to see her. We spoke about a lot of things.

I wanted to be sure she wasn’t making the wrong choice but she looked happy and ready.

She apologized to me. She said sorry for everything and asked me to forgive her.

I left her and didn’t attend their wedding.