Kula Mkobero! Erectile Dysfunction Affects MORE THAN HALF Of Men With Diabetes

Piece by: Peninah Njoki

According to a new research Erectile dysfunction affects more than half of men with diabetes, this is not based only on young men but also the old.

For unclear reasons, type 2 diabetes sufferers are more at risk with 66.3 percent having erectile dysfunction compared to just 37.5 percent with type 1.

Previous research has shown diabetes can damage the nerves and blood vessels needed to become aroused.

Researchers hope the findings will encourage early erectile screening and interventions among male diabetes sufferers.

 Researchers from the University of Padova in Italy analysed 145 studies investigating the link between diabetes and erectile dysfunction.

In total, 88,577 men with type 1 or 2 diabetes were included in the study review.

Results revealed that having diabetes significantly increases a man's risk of suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Overall, 52.5 percent of male diabetes patients have erectile dysfunction to some extent.

Type 2 diabetes sufferers are more at risk, with 66.3 percent of patients struggling to get or maintain an erection compared to 37.5 percent with type 1.

The findings were published in the journal Diabetic Medicine.

Why do diabetes patients have erectile dysfunction?

Previous research has shown men with diabetes are more at risk of erectile dysfunction as their condition can damage the nerves and blood vessels needed to become aroused.

This means male patients can struggle to get or maintain an erection regardless of whether they produce the necessary hormones or are sufficiently sexually stimulated.

It is unclear why type 2 diabetes patients are more affected.

The researchers hope their findings will encourage erectile screening and interventions among men with diabetes.

Study author Dr Damiano Pizzol said: 'The findings suggest that clinicians should routinely screen for erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes.'

 Source: Daily Mail