Kenyan Tribes That Make Good Intermarriages

Piece by: Kwarula Otieno

In a country with over 42 tribes, I strongly feel that Kenyans should embrace intermarriage as one way of bringing together different ethnic communities thus subduing tribalism which has taken root in Kenya.

Not all marriages are always successful. Some are good, better and others are just exceptional. To have a happy marriage, you must find the right person.

According to our fans, here are the Kenyan Tribes That Make Good Intermarriages;

Luo & Luhya - Luos and Luhyas have had a good relationship, and in most cases the marriage always works. They the most intermarried communities; that’s why they call themselves masemeji. (Raila & Ida) 

Kisii & Kamba - Even though these communities are from different regions, our fans think that a Kisii man can marry a Kamba, and a Kamba man can marry a Kissi womam. (Dennis Okari & Betty Kyalo)

Luo & Kikuyu - For Luo and Kikuyus, apparently it doesn't work both ways. A Kikuyu man can marry a Luo woman, but not the other way round. (Juliani & Brenda Wairimu)

Kikuyu & Embu - My colleague Chege tells me that Embu women are calm and good homemakers. And Kikuyu men love them.

Luhya men & Kikuyu women - They produce smart kids. (Daddy Owen & Farida Wambui)

Luo Man & Kalenjin Lady - For example comedia Jalang'o and Cheptoek Boyo

What are some of the tribes that you think would make a good intermarriage? Let us know what you think below.