Drama in court as robbery refuses to take plea and starts sleeping

This forced court prosecutor Ann Murage to ask the court to have as mental assessment done on him.


• Senior Principal Magistrate Esther Boke has directed that the accused person be taken for mental assessment.

Robbery suspect refuses to take plea decides to sleep as is he is unwell, court orders that he goes for mental assessment.
Image: Clause Masika

A robbery suspect refused to take a plea at the Kibera court this afternoon and went to the extend of sleeping and rolling.

This forced court prosecutor Ann Murage to ask the court to have as mental assessment done on him.

"Let him be taken for mental assessment as the investigative officer says he is not unwell," said the prosecution

Senior Principal Magistrate Esther Boke has directed that the accused person be taken for mental assessment.

The co-accused also told the court that he must take plea alongside the sleeping comrade

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