How the rich and mighty party! Birthday party photos of David Murathe's son in private family ranch

Piece by: Grace Kerongo

The who is who was in invited for the cowboy themed party for Davidson Gatuhi, the son of Jubilee Vice Chairman David Murathe.

Using the hashtag #Gats@28, the guests invited for the glamorous party at his family’s ranch in Gatanga, posted videos and photos of the festivities.

Some of the attendees of the June 23, 2020 party included Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko, Saboti MP Caleb Amisi among other popular rich kids.

Champagne, whiskey, wine, food and everything nice was flowing. There were water bottles with customised labels with the initials of the birthday boy's name, DWG.

The birthday boy popped champagne before he cut his cowboy themed cake.

Later in the evening, guests were mesmerised by a splendid display of fireworks

Check out photos from the party.