Fallen star! Horrific photos of Blu 3's Jackie Chandiru as a drug addict

Piece by: Grace Kerongo

Over the weekend there were rumours that Jackie Chandiru, the lead singer of Uganda's all-female pop group, Blu 3 is dead.

Jackie has been battling drug addiction and has been in and out of several rehabilitation facilities for two years now.

Last, the media reported on her condition, she had relapsed and fallen back into the drug habit.

After news of her death spread, media personality and promoter Balaam Barugahara shot a video with Jackie to prove that news of her death is greatly exaggerated.

"Jackie is alive. In pain but alive, doctors are treating her," Balaam told netizens, "Let us give back to Jackie she is a music darling. She has undergone a couple of operations.

He added, "Jackie Chandiru is our sister, We all love her music. She is very sick and needs your prayers and financial support kindly contribute to her medical and recovery bill she will be well I believe."

One netizen who was touched by her story offered his meagre earning to save the Ugandan diva.

William Edema pledged, "She has over 30,000 people who enjoy her songs, in my own small capacity as her music fanatic, I will send 5k, towards her treatment, if others do so or more, I believe she will have enough to get the best treatment around the world."

He continued, "As a nightwatchman (Asikari) I am paid 7k per night, out of 7k I dedicate 5k to Jackie Chandiru. I will fulfil my commitment within 24hrs from this post."

Another fan, Martin Arthur added, "To all those judging, please go slow, kindly know that Unlike other pop cultures, the so-called celebs in our developing countries find themselves in a tricky situation, why, cause most of them are hit by fame out of the blue."

"In developed countries, celebs have managers, doctors, counsellors, financial advisors name it that are paid to make sure that the celebs are taken care of, no wonder when they come in for shows you see a full bus why, it's part of the celeb management responsibility at the same time some of these celebs are managed as pop stars at a very young age so being famous is something very usual to them (I pray the handlers of Fresh Kid listening)."

On the flip side, Here in Uganda it's a bit hard since this thing is new to many hence the occurrence of such issues, just imagine struggling to keep fed on Rolexes, borrowed performance attires and shoes, bank loans to record a song and before you know it, you are one of Uganda leading music artists.

Trust me if you don't have such technical guidance as mentioned above, you won't be able to cope with the pressures, such as the many Criticisms on the various platforms and even these TV shows of late,

not to mention the urge to spend by impulse..... hence the using........ but yes it's a genuine issue that needs help as even those in developed countries also have the same problems though they start when most get bankrupt.

"This said, Jackie, you're stronger than you think, as long as you don't give up on yourself healing is just a second away... May the Almighty God provide and heal you my dear in Jesus Christ's name I pray Amen.

Check out her photos looking like a shadow of herself.