Zari will not like this! Kenyan beauty queen claims Diamond wanted to chipo her (Screenshot)

Piece by: Grace Kerongo

Diamond Platnumz will never catch a break.

He has been in the dog house ever since he sired a child with video vixen Hamissa Mobetto.

Zari Hassan said in a media interview that he is still on probation and how he handles himself during this period will say a lot about how their relationship will progress.

"about him cheating and having a baby with another person it was betrayal at its best. It was the worst betrayal of all time because people cheat. But why are you cheating in our bed, why are you cheating with some low-life thing out there? Why are you not wearing a condom and you have kids you could catch HIV. I had like 20 million questions."

Zari who is a mother of five children understands the hustle of parenting and thus, she says that she will allow Diamond to see Prince Nillan as part of his parental duties.

'When a person is not protecting you and they're doing the opposite you start getting trust issues. Not all men are the same, its just different situations with different people. I just wanna be loved.The chemistry was very strong and for me to actually decide to be serious with him, we would talk, he would tell me about his dreams. But the child is not at fault, i can never prevent him from seeing the child. the child is innocent. I'm not that kinda person."

But this freedom has seen various reports hit the net where Diamond was spotted with Hamisa in Dubai.

Hamisa Mobetto has denied that it was planned.

She said, "I don’t know why people are making a big deal out of it. People should get used to seeing us together, he is the father of my child and we will be seeing more of each other. It's not true that we met with Diamond Platnumz in Dubai, I don’t know where people are getting these stories from."

Zari even  reacted to this. She posted on her snapchat her honest opinion of what she thinks about this whole saga.

"Good morning fam, this one is for the players. Are you the type of guy you'd wish your daughter to date some day? Would you welcome a guy like yourself to date your daughter?"

Like that is not enough, Zari throws more barbs at Diamond, kichini ya maji.

"Shout out to real men out there respecting themselves and being role models to their children showing them what's wrong and the real men playing parental roles in their kids lives, to men who respect their families you're the real MVP."

Now, there is a screenshot circulating that is purported to be a conversation between Diamond and Hamisa. The chat ends with a planned rendezvous between the two as Diamond explains why he had to post Zari on his social media pages - to dispel and rumours that they are broken up.

Check out the screenshot.

This comes after Diamond's tweet on January 8 where he stated that he is allowed to marry two wives if he so pleases. He even set the date of the wedding to January 15, 2018.

The tweet was deleted a few hours later.

Just recently the singer was in Nairobi for the B-Club pool party. A former Miss Daystar, Camille Kisomo, has posted a screenshot of a DM from Diamond asking where she is, with the sole intention of chips fungaing her.