Jaluo In DC: Here's How The Beautiful Carol Radull Spent Her Week In Washington

Piece by: Harun Momanyi

The bubbly Radio Africa Head of Content has been in Washington D.C. since the start of the week attending the World News Media Conference. Carol Radull jetted off on May 30th for the week long conference focusing on new media and the role of the digital innovation in contemporary news making.

Radull really enjoyed her trip! She has been sharing photos of her moments in the US - ranging from the sessions to dinner - and it was all beautiful and interesting.

New media is instrumental in making news more palatable to today's audience, which has limited time to watch news and read papers. People are constantly on their phones looking for news to be on the know.

Some of the places she toured include the White House and The Washington D.C. Newseum:

Here are some of her photos from the US trip: