I Went Through My Husband's Diary And He Wrote That Marrying Me Was A Mistake I And He Regrets,' Distressed Woman Narrates About Her Imperfect Marriage

Piece by: Caren Nyota

A married woman has poured out her heart on social media seeking advice from relationship experts. According to this woman, she married a man who is not that well off and her parents are the ones who provide for their family.

The woman revealed that her husband of two years doesn't love her and recently, she stumbled upon his diary and what she read left her in disbelief. Her husband had jotted down that he regrets marrying her.

Here is the full story;

"I went through my husband's online diary, and there, he wrote that marrying me was a mistake in which he regrets. And that the only reason he was still here is because of my parents

I cannot even begin to tell you how much I am hurting, if he had said that in the heat of an argument, I would have lied to myself that, he was just mad, that he didn't mean it. But he wrote it down, in the secret place where he felt free to unveil his innermost thoughts, and that to me is even deeper.

We have been married for two years, and in these years, we have had our challenges. My husband had nothing, yet, against all advice, I went on to marry him, thinking things won't be as bad as there are now.

What he brings home, is money he collects from his mum, and that money is never enough to cover me or other serious things in the house because she is only a widow and doesn't have so much to offer. I take care of myself from my allowance, everything I need, I do for myself. My friends support me financially but most importantly my family (which is his reason for staying). The food we have stocked in our store right now, my family provided. My children's fees? my parents provided. The roof over our heads? still them. The car we drive? They bought, almost everything we have is because of them.

I feel so ashamed every time I have to call home or my friends to ask for money, so ashamed. I hate that we depend on other's for a living and my husband isn't doing any sort of work to fend for us, he made investments, but all the advice I have given for us to earn money right now, the hustle hard type of advice, even asked him to change locations, he counters with excuses.

But you see, in all these, I have never for once cheated or thought of leaving him. Was telling my friend just the other day that this man is my soulmate and I would rather be with him than anyone else. Yet, there he was, simply managing me and staying because my family has been so helpful and very good to him.

He said he wants to leave me because I am stubborn, and do not respect him. These are his reasons. True, I am those things, I have accepted my flaws and he knows I am a working progress."

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