Where The Hell Is Serial Bill Defaulter Laura Oyier?

Piece by: Caren Nyota

Laura Oyier became famous in February this year when she failed to settle her Sh230,000 hotel bill at the Intercontinental. That left her exposed and ridiculed, but she still managed to ride on the bad publicity and even moved closer to starting a career in media.

The serial bill defaulter then went globe trotting, visiting different cities. She would constantly post photos on social media while on trips to Singapore, Hong Kong and Miami keeping her followers updated on her daily life. Then she went quiet.

Since September this year, Laura has not been as active as before on social media and this has left her fans wondering where she could have gone to. Speculation about her whereabouts is rife with the very nasty ones claiming that she may have been jailed for failing to pay another hotel bill. Others say she may have lost her sponsor and is yet to bag another. Whatever the case, we do hope that she is doing well.