How to get your crush to talk to you

Piece by: Queen Serem

If you are reading this. You already have a crush that you want to impress or get closer to. Well, below are guidelines of how to communicate to them and how to make them communicate to you too.


Breathe. We hold our breath when we're nervous. So take a few deep breaths before making conversation to calm yourself down. It also stops your voice sounding squeaky.

Don't worry too much about your opening line

People clam up when they see someone they like the look of because they think the first thing out of their mouth has to be witty, charming or dead funny.

It doesn't. A short 'Hot isn't it?' or 'Great pub!' will do the job.

Keep it simple and keep it logical

The best lines are often the obvious. 'Have you tried the chicken salad?' while you're standing in line. 'Do you know how to work this machine?' while you're at the gym. The more ordinary the topic, the better.

Be impulsive

Most people don't take chances, so if you do, he's likely to be terribly impressed.

Thrust a cold, frosty beer into an unsuspecting male hand while saying, 'Hi. My name's Lucy,' and you'll stop him in his tracks.

Pretend you're talking to your best friend

Skip the small talk and clichéd 'do you come here often?' stuff and talk about what you normally would. If you're standing at the bar about to get a drink, say 'God knows I need this after the day I've had!'.

Pretend you're getting their attention for a friend

We're a lot braver if we're doing something for a friend than we are ourselves. What would you say if you wanted to get your friend talking to the person? How would you attract their attention and get them talking?

Give a compliment

Find an excuse to stand near them, then turn to them and say something nice. 'I love your shirt.' 'Where did you get those trainers?' 'That's impressive' (if they're lifting weights at the gym). 'That looks nice, what is it?' (if they're ordered food). 'What breed is your dog? I don't think I've ever seen anything cuter in my life.'

Talk about something that's happened

Brexit might not be the best topic, given how much it polarises people. But something else in the news might have some relevance to where you are. 'I used to like crowds. Not so much now.'

Introduce yourself quickly, once you've broken the ice

Especially if you're somewhere where they're likely to leave quickly. Saying your name lets them know you really are trying to chat them up and not just being friendly and chatty.

Once you know their name, use it

Say it three times in the first conversation. Repeating the name of someone you haven't met before not only shows interest, it makes them feel noticed and important. An added bonus: you'll actually remember it.

Use 'we' as soon as you can

'Shall we have another drink?', rather than, 'Can I get you a drink?'

Linking the two of you conversationally, subliminally plants the idea of linking up in other ways.

Another great word to use…

Including 'you' makes people feel you're talking to them specifically and it pushes the pride button. Use phrases like 'You would love it'.

Give good face

Popular people have animated faces. Your facial expressions should match what you're talking about as well as reflect your reaction to what they're telling you.

A lot of expressions are also infectious: it really is a case of smile and the world smiles with you.


Deliberately walk past someone. The more obvious the better.

Move closer. Make it look like there's a reason for it (a better table, out of the sun, away from the crowd or moving closer to the action – there's always a reason).

Use the old 'look-then-look-away' trick

It's the best way to let someone know you fancy them without feeling like an idiot if they don't fancy you. Look at them until they look back, then drop your eyes and smile to yourself. This says, 'I think you're cute but I'm too shy to come over.'

Smile at them

If they pick up on it and smile back, great. If they look straight through you, move your glance ever-so-slightly over their shoulder and they'll think you were smiling at someone else. A smile is a universal, can't-be-misinterpreted, simplest way to subtly signal 'I like you and find you attractive.' A broad smile and four seconds of eye contact is the clearest signal you can send.

Be easy to get to

Make sure they don't have to wade through a dozen drunk friends to get to you.

If you want to make it clear the person you're with isn't your partner, put some space between you and turn your body so it faces the person you've got your eye on. Use your eyes to invite people to join you.

The better looking you are, the more work you have to do

This is what people automatically assume when they spot someone drop-dead gorgeous.

He thinks: She'd never be interested in me/Bet her boyfriend's loaded and great looking/What could I say that she hasn't heard a thousand times before?

She thinks: Anyone that good-looking has to be stupid/Bet he's really up himself/Bet he only dates models, he'd never go out with someone like me.

The good-looking person is thinking: Why doesn't anyone ever talk to me?/Why doesn't anyone ever ask me out?/What's wrong with me?

If you're above average in looks or have something particularly spectacular (a great set of breasts for instance), no-one will come near you unless you make it incredibly obvious you want them to. Very often, you will have to be the person who goes over to talk to them or makes the first move
