Find out why mosquitoes prefer some people to others

Piece by: Lily Mwangi

Have you ever been in an office setting and people are talking about how in Nairobi it's the mosquito season and you're like where?what?

Well if this has been you then you need to know you have a funny odour. Yes, a mosquito has a good memory that when it bites you and it loved your body odour then be sure will be back! You become their preference.

The only way you can try and stop them from bitting you is when you change your odour. The worst part about this is you might change and they love you even more so they flood your house always.

So does this mean they want us to a bad odour all the time? They have not yet discovered the exact that irritates mosquitoes.

So if this has been never been your struggle you're probably a not all roses and peaches and f this has been your struggle, live with it because the mosquito as already mastered your scent.

Now you know!