How To Fight The Laziness That Spilled Over From Last Weekend

Piece by: Harun Momanyi

I know the weekend after Black Friday may have bored you. You might be laden with a feeling of laziness and probably downcast since you were broke and didn't have enough money to purchase stuff.

Moving on, the week needs your attention! You ought to give it your all - make that money.

To regain your focus, you don't necessarily need to attend conferences and seminars. Heck, those three day seminars yawa... do they really help? Not necessarily.

This is my secret formula to get yourself ahead on any working day. It is called the rule of one percent. Yea, 1% is all I am imploring you about.

I learnt that if you apportion just 14 minutes out of your 24 hours, you will put all that you wanna do in perfect order.

I know what you are thinking, err..14 minutes can help? Really?

Well, yes. This is how you can use them to fire up yourself: define your daily objectives, envision all your calls and opportunities, scheduling and planning your activities and clarifying your priorities.

The next thing that needs to be on your list is a Redbull ...that's because Redbull gives you wings.

You'll hit the ground running as you set to work on your big dreams and goals, a little at a time.

That burst of energy, that kick in the seat of the pants can get it by downing a can.

Red Bull Energy Drink's special formula contains high quality ingredients including Caffeine + Taurine + B-Group Vitamins + Sugars + Alpine Water.

Have a look at this link and

Go ahead - set out for the big projects! #RedbullGivesYouWings