Morara Kebaso-What I would do if I became President

• The city lawyer recently gained mega popularity across the country for calling out the government's stalled and unfinished projects 

Morara Kebaso
Image: Instagram

Political activist and lawyer Morara Kebaso has been on the limelight ever since he started posting videos calling out the government over stalled projects, ghost workers and mismanagement of funds. 

His popularity has seen a section of Kenyans calling for the young businessman to strategically align himself so as to ensure he runs for the presidential seat come 2027.

During an exclusive interview with Mpasho's Dennis Milimo, Morara got candid about what he'd do if he miraculously found himself at the top as Kenya's ruling president today. 

"If I got lucky enough to be the president, I'd tell Kenyans one thing and only one thing. My message to Kenyans would be, for one year don't ask me for development. For one-year msiniombe pesa, msiniombe barabara, don't ask me for hospitals, water and what not," the political activist firmly said. 

Expounding on why he'd issue such a peculiar request Morara Kebaso passionately added, "that entire year will be for dealing with corruption. And former and current leaders no one would go for retirement without refunding the citizens money that they have squandered, "

Morara argued one way or the other he'd collect money from the fraudulent leaders even if it meant auctioning their pricey personal items so as to have money back into the national coffers.

"Kama sitawaweka jela, nitarecover pesa yote ya wananchi. My one year would be for dealing with corruption because honestly speaking how can we have development when every time tunatenga inaibiwa, tunapanga inaibiwa.

Everything is theft, theft and just more theft," the city lawyer told Mpasho's team animatedly.

On second thought, as he winded up Morara affirmed he'd hold a trial for all corrupt leaders and ensure they got handed hefty jail sentences. Maintaining the trials wouldn't be left in the hands of international bodies as, "that's why they are always looking down upon us and meddling in our issues because we appear helpless always relying on them,"

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