Nuru Okanga shares conditions for him to become a border in High School

• Nuru recently did his KCPE exams.

• He was a private student.

Nuru Okanga

Nuru Okanga, known by many for being a Baba Die hard fan has expressed his interest in wanting to join politics in future.

The aspiring politician was trending after the KCPE results were announce.

Word started circulating that he had scored 401 marks something that left many divided.

In a quick fire segment with Mpasho's Kalondu Musyimi, Nuru insisted that he won't make his KCPE results public.

"Whatever people have chosen to do is what I am sticking with, I won't add nor reduce anything. I want to join Lenana High school or Alliance."

Is he ready to become a boarder?

"I am prepared but the Principal has to give me permission to leave on Friday and come back on Monday morning because I am a family man."

He went on to thank Baba for his gift

"Baba bought me a cow. "

Has he followed up on Babu Owino's promise to help him further his education?

"I have talked to him, that is why I am confident saying I will join Lenana or Alliance. I am still a child, I hope to do Law and join politics seriously."

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