Terms and Conditions of dating- Chito and Kwambox


• Some people have just some weird terms and conditions that are not even reasonable. 

• Today, the morning birds, Chito and Kwambox on Morning Kiss at Kiss FM asked their participative listeners a question. 

Kwambox and Chito
Image: Instagram Kiss 100

Today is all about the twins not as in humans but the words 'Terms and Conditions'. 

In any connections or covenants involved, they must be present.

Today, the morning birds, Chito and Kwambox on Morning Kiss at Kiss FM asked their participative listeners a question. 

"In our new era, I see y'all got terms and conditions in order to have a partner, so what are those terms and conditions you got for someone to date you?"

You have those delulu thoughts and expectations of your ideal type. Those delulu thoughts are the ones that we are bringing into reality calling them the terms and conditions.

But just listening to you all, I think y'all should just erase these terms and conditions and get yourself new ones coz weeeh!

How can you say that you need a person who is on social media but you are in it? what is it that you want to do that you don't want your person to see?

That is just one of the responses, here are more;

Caller: She should not be able to cook better than me, Kwambox let me tell you I can cook for you and you immediately fall in love with me.

Caller: Must be taller than me because I am also tall, must be brown for the sake of our babies.

Caller: Kiherehere nimekataa' She should let me speak first, she should let me speak then she can later.

Caller: I want a girl with a 'Bunda' and she should be independent, not depending on me each and every time. I can provide for her but sometimes she should go out and do her nails with her money.

Él Garvey: respectful and fully committed to the maiñ agenda, love.

Finnese Gaucho: Must not be on social media. I am the only one to be on social media.

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