"Nikona mtu!"- Dance General clarifies


• He is an influencer and a dancer.

• He talked about how long he has been in the industry and some of the difficult moves he finds hard to practice.

Dance General
Image: Instagram Dance General

Speaking with Mpasho's Kalondu, Dance General revealed that he is in a serious relationship.

In a session of quick-fire questions, Kalondu asked if he was dating, after a short hesitation, he answered yes, he was but he didn't want to reveal the person.

Kalondu: ukona mtu?

General: eeh, nikona mtu.

Rumors sparked at TikTok that he was dating a fellow dancer, Josi, and our interesting interviewer did not fail to ask the question.

Kalondu: uyo mtu ni dancer?

General: apana, Si dancer.

The tea did not end there he mentioned what he loves for his partner to cook for him, Guess what it is! Ugali, Sukumawiki, and eggs.

Kalondu: what favorite meal would you love to be cooked for?

General: Ugali, Skuma, na mayai.

Here is a sample;

Kalondu: How long have you been in the dance industry?

General: For long, professionally I have been here since 2015, 2016.

Kalondu: What is your real name?

General: Salim.

Kalondu: Apart from Dance General, who is your favorite dancer?

General: Chiloba.

Kalondu: what dance style is hard to practice?

General: pop-style dance.

Kalondu: Have you ever been employed?

General: Yes I have, but I said I don't want to be employed.

Kalondu: Give me some relationship advice.

General: There is no love in teens.

Kalondu: ask me a question.

General: Are you single?

Kalondu: Yes I am, very single.

The sample aside here is the full quick-fire video.

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