Blinky Bill reveals grade he got in KCSE, remembers Maths teacher with his shoes

Piece by: ZENNA ISSA

• He went for the name Blinky Bill after he found his real name Sellanga too boring when it appeared in a newspaper.

•  Blinky Bill - Hizi viatu zinanikumbusha my Maths teacher.

Blinky Bill and Chiki Kuruka at a past event

Blinky Bill is a Kenyan musician, producer, and DJ based in Nairobi. He is also a founder of the Kenyan art and music collective Just A Band.

He went for the name Blinky Bill after he found his real name Sellanga too boring when it appeared in a newspaper.

In an exclusive quickfire section with Mpasho's Zenna Issa, Blinky got to share what he loved about Night Embassy and even took the journalist down memory lane.

According to the musician he wasn’t stubborn enough as a child and if given a chance he would tell his younger self to be more notorious.

It looks like Blinky is missing the beatings of an African mother cause weuuh the amount of beating he would be getting would be unsaid.

Other than being an amazing musician he is also very bright. Talk of being God’s favorite the young musician scored an amazing B+ in his KCSE exams and is aspiring to be an architect.

This is how the quickfire section went down.

Zenna: What is your real name?

Blinky: Sellanga 

Zenna: Which food can't you eat since you became a celebrity?

Blinky: Sipendi githeri naeza ikula mamangu akipika lakini siipendi.

Zenna: What’s your favourite song?

Blinky: Every day I have a new song, today it is Overjoyed by Steve Wonder.

Zenna: Who’s your favourite secular musician?

Blinky: It's Kanye West

Zenna: Who’s your hero?

Blinky: Mohammed Ali

Zenna: Tell me something about Night Embassy

Blinky: It is a one-of-a-kind event held by Jägermeister and it’s the first time it is happening in Nairobi so we are all very fortunate to be here.

Zenna: What do you love about the event?

Blinky: (While laughing) That drink that I was going to get before the interview.

Zenna: What challenges have you faced in the industry?

Blinky: Challenges ni mingi but I’ve overcome them all Mungu halali. Challenges ni I don’t get much airtime as everybody else lakini Mungu ni nani, nimepenya.

Zenna: What do you wish you knew earlier?

Blinky: I wish I knew that time is always ticking and sometimes we take it for granted.

Zenna: What message can you give to your younger self?

Blinky: Kuwa kichwa ngumu kushinda vile ulikuwa kuwa more

Zenna: What did you get in your KCSE?

Blinky: I got a B+

Zenna: If not, your current profession what would you be doing?

Blinky: I’d be a lawyer or an architect even know I want to be an architect I have ideas for building houses.

Zenna: Which one word describes you?

Blinky: Fighter

Zenna: Can you tell us about your luku

Blinky: I have double shades because of the sun It is very hot during the day while the other one ni haters blockers. I love these shows because they remind me of my Maths high school teacher.

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