I have used Sh10.5 million on my mansion so far - Mulamwah


• Mulamwah- "I told my in-laws am here to stay" 

• He and his bestie had their traditional meeting late last month where they met their in-laws.

Mulamwah with his bestie Ruth

I have used Sh10.5 million on my mansion so far - Mulamwah 

Comedian Mulamwah has revealed the amount of money he has invested in his mansion that is near completion. 

In a short interview, a segment called quick-fire, Mulamwah revealed what he said during their traditional meetings.

Talking with Mpasho's entertainment journalist, Kalondu he said that he told his inlaws that he was there to stay.

Kalondu: what is one message you told your inlaws?

Mulamwah: That I will be here to say.

The funny comedian did not stop there talking about the in-laws and the bestie, who is currently expectant for his child.

He was asked who is his bestie( because we see that the current bestie is pregnant maybe he got a new one) by our interesting interviewer.

Mulamwah insists that Ruth K, the bestie is the only bestie.

Kalondu: who is your bestfriend?

Mulamwah: Bestfriend? My bestie, ruth K.

He and the bestie met three years ago and now she is the wife and mother to be.

Kalondu: When did you meet your bestie?

Mulamwah: 3 years ago.

Trust me, that is not the whole quickfire, In this one we got to know more about this favorite comedian. Here is a sample of more of the quick-fire;

Kalondu: What is your real name?

Mulamwah: David Oyalo

Kalondu: How old are you?

Mulamwah: 30

Kalondu: How many kids do you have?

Mulamwah: Mwenye anajulikana? ni mmjoa tu.

Kalondu: Apart from yourself and your bestie who is your favorite content creator?

Mulamwah: it is this guy called @ Chauro, who is cooking nowadays Indian street foods.

Kalondu: Pizza, Mutura, Githeri or Lazanya?

Mulamwah: Lazanya ni nini? toa kwanza iyo Lazanya. Apo kwa githeri na mutura umenikimbiza but mutura any time any day.

Kalondu: How much did it cost you to build your house

Mulamwah: So far around sh10.5 million :

Kalondu: How will you rate your traditional wedding? 

Mulamwah: Umesema wedding? It was good coz they were well-prepared

Kalondu: Mulamwah give me relationship advise.

Mulamwah: Look for your friend and someone you are in sink with, your dreams match?

Kalondu: when was the last time you cried?

Mulamwah: Maybe huko nyumba nikichoma sharti

Kalondu: What is the message you will give to your best Ruth K?

Mulamwah: That she is the best thing to ever happen to me

Kalondu: A message to Mama Kyla

Mulamwah: I wish her all the best, everybody deserves the best and the aim of a breakup is to get somebody better, so I wish for her better.

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