DJ Exclusive opens up about Mwalimu Rachels's 'childish' behaviours

Piece by: ZENNA ISSA

• Ladies if you have your eyes set on DJ Exclusive you just have to perfect your skills and you are ready to go.

Joram Baraka Ndege aka DJ Exclusive
Image: Instagram

Joram Baraka Ndege is a DJ, corporate MC, and radio presenter at NRG radio station alongside Mwalimu Rachel, hype master and event manager.

Joram is famously known as Dj Exclusive because of his outstanding music-mixing skills and his hype whenever he steps on the mixer.

In an exclusive quickfire section with Zenna Issa, DJ Exclusive got to open up about Mwalimu Rachels's childish behaviours. 

According to the NRG radio presenter, he would prefer a five-year-old Mwalimu Rachel to five more Mwalimu Rachels in the world.

Other than touching on Rachel's childish behaviour he repeatedly stated that if a lady could cook chapati and "ndegu" for him she was already wife material.

Ladies if you have your eyes set on DJ Exclusive you just have to perfect your skills and you are ready to go.

This is how the quickfire section went down.

Zenna: What is your real name?

DJ Exclusive: My real name is Joram Baraka Ochieng Ndege

Zenna: What is your nickname?

DJ Exclusive: Bazuu

Zenna: Which food can’t you eat since you became a celebrity?

DJ Exclusive: Githeri, I ate it a lot when I was in high school and I’m not going back there.

Zenna: Which is your favourite song?

DJ Exclusive: This song by Vijana Barubaru Sasa Hivi

Zenna: What meal can you cook best?

DJ Exclusive: The best meal I’ll cook for you is seafood pasta or I’ll cook for you some nice lamb chops.

Zenna: Which meal do you like to be cooked for?

DJ Exclusive: Chapati na ndegu, ukinipikia chapo ndegu aahhh mimi nakuoa

Zenna: What makes you happy?

DJ Exclusive: Music, music is life and my life is music

Zenna: Who is your hero?

DJ Exclusive: My mum, dad and big brother. My big brother is in Tanzania he’s also into music and all that.

Zenna: Who do you call the most?

DJ Exclusive: I think ni Mwalimu Rachel huo ndio mimi humpigia sana

Zenna: What do you like about Embassy Night?

DJ Exclusive: One thing I like about embassy night is Jägermeister it's my favourite drink so that’s why I’m here. I’ve been drinking Jägermeister for the last 7 years.

Zenna: What do you love about your job?

DJ Exclusive: I’m free to express myself as a radio presenter, free to express myself in the music I play as a DJ and free to express myself on the stage as an MC.

Zenna: What’s your rate card?

DJ Exclusive: Right now club gigs, go for around 100,000 shillings and corporate gigs for 250,000 shillings.

Zenna: What did you get in your KCSE?

DJ Exclusive: I got a C+

Zenna: If you weren’t in your current profession what would you be doing?

DJ Exclusive: I actually studied Aeronautical engineering and I also wanted to be a pilot so I’ll be doing something in aviation.

Zenna: What quote resonates with you?

DJ Exclusive: Maisha ni fupi jienjoy.

Zenna: Who’s your favourite comedian?

DJ Exclusive: Comedian YY

Zenna: Do you prefer a five-year-old Mwalimu Rachel or five Mwalimu Rachels?

DJ Exclusive: Already anakuaga anabehave kama mtoto either way I can’t have five mwalimu Rachels that’s just too much.Acha nikuwe na toto mwalimu Rachel huyo ni mmoja.

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