Muthoni Wa Mukiri shares the inspiration behind her new book 'Becoming The Woman of Your Dreams'

• This is Mukiri's first book.

• Mukiri has been on a discovery journey since leaving her TV job.

Muthoni Mukiri with her new book 'Becoming The Woman'
Image: Courtesy

Former Inooro TV host Muthoni Wa Mukiri will in November launch her first book.

The book ' BECOMING THE WOMAN OF YOUR DREAMS' is  about healing your trauma, dealing with shame and fear, and learning to love yourself to become the woman of your dreams

In an interview with Us, she shared

"I wrote the book myself but I wish I had a ghost writer. It took me three years.

I started writing at a young age but writing a whole book is a lot. My book is not just a story it's a manual.

But what I liked about writing the book is that I had to look at myself like an outsider."

Mukiri says she had let go of some of her insecurities.

"As a public figure, there are things you do not want people to know about me.

I have to reach a point where am OK if people read this about me because I have worked on it, I wanted them to see I am not perfect."

The mother of one says the writing process was not without its fair share of challenges.

"There was self-doubt, what would people say?

Writing my childhood trauma was hard, Especially writing about my dad.

He was a good provider, and he was a present dad but he was emotionally unavailable. He was also very tough.

I have never told him about it but now am healed."

Mukiri says she did not write about her dad to paint him in a bad light but to share how emotionally absent dads can affect a child.

" He does not owe me an apology, I love him and we now have a good relationship.

I am just sharing my story. The book took me three years to write."

What's in the book?

"The book has my very personal stories never shared on social media.

The fact that you can be on National TV but you are broken, lonely, and struggling to find yourself.

I want people to know it's OK not to be OK."

The book will officially be launched on November 2nd, at 5:00 PM during an event dubbed Women Level Up.

Among those attending will be Lilian Muli, Caroline Mutoko, Kambua etc.





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