Rono responds to fans comparing her to Elsa Majimbo

  • The content creator was trolled on social media by being compared to another creator.
  • She took a break from her career and work on herself.
Chebet Rono
Image: Instagram

Chebet Rono has shared how she feels when being compared to other creatives.

On different occasions she has been compared to Elsa Majimbo,( a fellow content creator) and accused her of scoping her content.

"Bullies were there comparing you to Elsa Majimbo, You guys are great in your own unique ways, now that you are back are you planning to deal with them one-on-one?" Questioned the interviewer

Rono responded saying that there was a time when she decided to deal with them but she came to learn from the experience and realized that she has her own magic.

 "If you follow me you know that there is a day that I did it back. But I came to realize that comparison is really the thief of joy. There is no need, everyone has their own path.

Also I learned that I have my own magic and my own authenticity, I should just celebrate my life. I shpuld also not let my winning be taken away from me and take other people's winnings," She continued.

Simple from her responses, she means that she should be able to protect what she has worked for and not let other people take it from her and vice versa.

She also urges her fans to support people and uplift them that when it's their chance it's their chance and when it's your time it's your time.

Rono further shared

"During that time my mindset really changed on a lot of things, So I decided to change and be better."

 I used to think that no one loves me, no one likes me but it's never like that, just think for yourself and it will be better," She continues.

She says that she is still learning more about womanhood and is thankful that she is learning this at a young age.

The interviewer also asked about how she handled being judged by the people.

Chebet says that she believes that judging is confusion and thanks to that she was able to look at that side of her that she didn't like though it was hurtful it made her a very resilient babe.

The comedian concludes by saying that every woman should discover and think for themselves, the world is cruel but you are stronger and resilient.

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