Mercy Tarus, a young woman who gained notoriety after her video criticising Uasin Gishu officials went viral on social media, has responded to several Kenyans who criticised her for turning down Ledama Olekina's employment offer.
The Kabarak University graduate said in an exclusive conversation with this writer that she is a woman of strong convictions and is unwilling to modify that.
Mercy made it apparent that she is prepared for and okay with whatever occurs, even though she acknowledged that she might lose both the money she is agitating for to be returned and Senator Olekina's employment offer.
"Until we get our money back. If we get a refund, I'll take the job. But if not, that's okay. I think I'm going to lose both and I think I'm okay with that," Mercy said.
She added, “Of course, there are people who will make fun of me. I was told, 'If it were me, I would take that job and it would stay,' but that's not me and I don't think I want to be that person."
Mercy said that the senator from the ODM's demands had to be fulfilled before she would consider accepting his employment offer.
The courageous young woman said in her defense that finding a job is not her primary goal right now; rather, it is to defend the return of the money that parents and students contributed to the failing programme.
"I have respectfully refused the job. I have conditions, if these conditions are fulfilled it is fine, if not it is fine. I didn't even aim for that, I just want my money back," he said.
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