Brian Chira- My ex left after I became famous

He believes in a marriage where the couple stays apart.


• Brian Chira shared on a few things he would love to happen if he ever gets married.

Brian Chira
Image: Instagram

Tiktoker , Brian Chira , in an interview with Mpasho's Kalondu Musyimi shared the qualities he would want in a partner.

He also shared his view on marriage.

He said he is not yet ready to date as he is making money and still building himself and his brand up before he gets into a relationship.

"sai naye sitaki mtu lakini si ati watu hawako wako wengi hadi kwa dms hadi watuwengine wanaoffer kunifinance my lifestyle but sitaki"

The young man says that for him he doesn't want to be known that someone built him up, he wants to own his fame and path up the ladder.

Brian Chira says that he was in a relationship at one point but as soon as he started getting famous the relationship ended.

"eeh nilikua na mtu lakini vile nikaanza kujulikana alienda, alisema nilianza kukua kichwa ngumu kiasi"

The Tiktoker says that for him he needs a partner who is articulate in how they speak and communicate their issues.

"I want an outgoing outspoken person , someone who can communicate and has a great personality and looks good too"

The kind of marriage the content creator wants to have is a very unique one that very few celebrities have been able to have.

"I hope to get married some day but I want like everyone to have their own life, their own place like we just live separately and see each other when we need to"

The young man says he finds marriages where people live together the whole time to be boring and that he would just want to be independent of the partner.

"sitaki kuonana na yy kila saa nashinda na yeye nataka tu kila mtu ako na vitu zake kivyake but when you need me nitakuja kwako or you can come to my place"

He says that the children they will have and bring them up quite well but then he just loves his own personal space, so he will set it up like that.

Brian Chira wishes to have a big family one time, and lots of kids as he was not raised in such a home but he promises to give his kids the best.

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