Why you and your ex should go to bed together for a night

Piece by: Queen Serem

It's the cardinal rule of dating: do not hook up with your ex after a break-up under any circumstance.But a new study published in a medical journal has found that 'ex-sex' may actually be a good way to help you move on from the relationship.

Researchers say those who slept with an ex were less likely to report feeling depressed and say they experienced more positive feelings on a day-to-day basis.

The team, says the findings show that sleeping with a former partner can actually lessen psychological distress caused by a break-up as well as provide people with the physical closure they need to move on.

While the majority of participants who attempted to have sex with their ex ended up doing so, they did not report emotional attachment two months later.

Those who were having more difficulty moving on were the ones who sought out sex the most with their former partner.

However, she said that when they did have a sexual encounter, it did not leave them distressed.

In fact, the participants reported more positive feelings on day-to-day basis.

'The fact that sex with an ex is found to be most eagerly pursued by those having difficulty moving on, suggests that we should perhaps instead more critically evaluate people's motivations behind pursuing sex with an ex.'

 Sex and relationship expert said in 2013 that many women, in particular, benefit from sex with an ex because it gives them 'closure'.

'Sometimes we need to go back to move forward, and revisiting the sexual side of the relationship can sometimes make us see very clearly that we've idealized the relationship or feel much less pain than we thought,' she said. 'So there's a sense of closure that can be helpful.'
