'I have hit the ceiling' Moses Marite after being fired as Samidoh's manager

• Marite has also thanked Samidoh for having trusted him and made him his manager.

Samidoh with his music manager Moses Marite.

Moses Marite, the former manager of Mugithi star Samidoh has spoken out after the singer fired him.

The 'Dire Mutwe Mwega' singer put a notice on his socials announcing the decision.

Marite apologized for whatever thing he had done wrong.

"I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to Samidoh, HSC for trusting me and giving me the opportunity to be part of his great band. Every opportunity to serve is a gift; thank you for allowing me to unwrap it with you. Your support has been monumental.. Through you, I have achieved a lot which can only be attributed to you. My sincere apologies to you for instances where I have wronged you & your brand knowingly & unknowingly as I carried out my duties. However, it has been a journey filled with a lot of highs & lows alike. I cannot be more thankful to you our lovely fans & supporters for standing by us through & through. I have made great friends during this journey."

To his clients, Marite hoped they would continue working together.

"To clients, It's my belief everything proceeds tentatively as planned. To the few special cases with concerns, I promise I will amicably resolve your issues at a personal level before the due dates of your booked dates.

Change in life is inevitable. I have hit the ceiling. I therefore wish this great brand/band the very best going forward and I believe without doubt it will continue to thrive as it always has. Thank you once more and may the good Lord bless all of You.


Samidoh had taken to social media asking Kenyans not to sign any deal with Marite.

Samidoh's former manager Moses Marite

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