List of counties that will go without power today, Wednesday

• The power interruption is scheduled to take place between 8 am and 5 pm.


Kenya Power has listed areas in five counties scheduled for power interruptions on Wednesday.

The power interruption is scheduled to take place between 8 am and 5 pm.

Areas to be affected are Nairobi, Makueni, Uasin Gishu, Nyeri, and Nyamira counties.


Parts of Nairobi will have power cuts from 9 am to 5 pm.

The areas are Juakali, Gikomba, Part of Burma Market, SDA Shauri Moyo and Gikomba Family Bank.

Others are Nyari East, Red Hill Link Road, Red Hill Dr, Ibis Dr, Egrets Road, Egrets Road, Thigiri Ridge and Thigiri Farm Road.

At the same time, areas in Nairobi to have power cuts are Oloitoktok Road, Siaya Road, Mandera Road, Kandara Road, Laikipia Road, Migori Road, Tabere Crescent, Githunguri Road, Ring Road Kileleshwa, Gichugu Road, Lenana Road, Dennis Prit Road, Ring Road Kilimani, Mugo Kibiro Road, Joseph Kangethe Road, Jamhuri, Elgeyo Marakwet Road and Ngong Road.

Other areas include Adams S/Centre, Argwings Kodhek Rd, Oleodume Road, Riara Road, Othaya Road, Gitanga Road, James Gichuru Road, Lavington S/Centre, Olenguruone Road, Makueni Road, Mwingi Road, Sugutard, Kaputei Gardens, Nyangumi Road, Royal Media, Likoni Lane, Likoni Close, Maalim Juma Road, Kitale Lane, Total Dennis Pritt, St. Georges Primary and Secondary School, Statehouse and Kwifra East.


Parts of Makueni to experience power interruption from 9 am to 5 pm include Kalawa, Kathonzweni, Kitise, Yemulwa, Mavindini, Yikiuuku, Kanzokea, Kiangini, Nthia and Mbuvo.

Uasin Gishu

Areas in Uasin Gishu that will experience power cuts from 10 am to 3 pm are Kaptuktuk, Kaptuktuk Primary School, and Chemungen Primary School.


Parts of Nyeri to experience power interruption from 8 am to 5 pm include Kiamwangi C/Fact, Kahuru kwa Ngacha, Kiaritha-Ini, Part of Saigon, Ihwagi, Kiragati, Gathehu, Giakaibei Githima, Karura, Karura Coffee, Gathumbi, Ngari Junior, Ragati, Iharu, Gikumbo, Kiandara, Gathambo TBC, Gaturumo-Ini TBC, Kiamigwi, Shauri Moyo, Kihuro, Gaikuyu, Magutu, Gatondo, Muthuthi-Ini TBC, Kiawaiguru TBC, Mutito TBC, Kariki TBC, Gitema-Ini TBC, Itundu, Kiarage TBC, Kangiri TBC, Gachuguina TBC, Safaricom and Airtel Boosters.


Parts of Nyamira to face power cuts from 9 am to 4 pm include Obwari, Nyamusi, Gekendo, Karota, Mabariri and Ibencho.

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