Winnie Bwire's Father Reveals Intimate Details About Her Tough Cancer Battle

• The actress will be buried on Saturday, September 21, in Busia county. 

Winnie Bwire
Image: Instagram

Edmond Ndubi, the father of the late actress Winnie Bwire, has shared the harrowing journey his daughter endured in her battle against cancer.

Speaking after her body arrived at Mombasa International Airport from Turkey, the grieving father praised his daughter’s resilience and revealed her many hidden talents.

Winnie Bwire's father
Image: Instagram

"Winnie was incredibly talented and well-known for her diverse skills. She was an actress, a furniture maker, a baker, and a musician. She truly inspired young people," he said.

Edmond went on to describe his daughter’s strength during her two-year fight with cancer. "For us as a family, it brings some solace to know she has finally found peace. Many may not realize how much she suffered. Winnie was a strong person, always putting on a brave face, and never letting anyone see her pain. She never cried during the toughest times, but she endured a great deal."

In his sorrow, Edmond acknowledged that her passing was God’s will, expressing gratitude for the time they had with her.

"God decided it was best for her to rest. We are thankful to God for giving us Winnie. She was an inspiration to us as parents. Now that she’s gone, we pray that God grants her soul eternal peace," he concluded.

The actress will be laid to rest on Saturday, September 21, in Busia County.

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